Digital scale indicators - key to efficiency

For a digital scale accuracy, reliability and durability are very important qualities and only the best ones are able to deliver on all three fronts consistently. However while actually using the digital scale such as a versatile floor scale these qualities usually get taken for granted. In the sense that though they are still important the actual speed and accuracy of the weighing operation depends on other factors as well.

And one of these factors is the quality of the indicator. The best ones will have a large display which will have a high contrast so that they are easy to read. The amount of information they display is also important. For example for a counting scale the display needs to show the count, the total weight and the weight per piece that has been selected. And the display should be unambiguous as to which number corresponds to which reading. If the display is not clear then human errors will creep in and a reading may get recorded in the wrong column.

So the next time you are choosing a digital scale make sure you take a good look at the indicator and how it displays various information. Once you have bought the scale your operators will depend a lot on how well the indicator functions.